I scour your texts for grammatical/formatting errors.
Simple mistakes can cause huge embarrassment.
Whilst working for a magazine I learned to meticulously scan texts for grammar and formatting errors under intense time pressure, ensuring that pieces were ready to go to print.
Not only do I correct mistakes, but I pay close attention to your content. This involves pointing out inaccuracies and contradictions, and helping you to express your ideas with elegance and clarity. This can be done with reference to a particular style guide if necessary.
Studying English Literature at University College London trained my ability to closely read complex texts.
Texts & writing
An English text extends your reach to a global audience. I write an engaging, creative text for your business or website within parameters that you define. Likewise I can translate existing German copy.
I have created copy for a diverse range of products and companies. I also self-published a surreal novel, ‘Lacuna’, in 2014.
I take your colourful (or otherwise) German texts, and translate them into workable, professional English.
I have had a lifelong relationship to the German language, living in German-speaking regions for a total of 6 years. I’m even well-versed in Wiener Schmäh!
Prices vary based on the difficulty of the subject matter, and quality of the written English, while there also may be a surcharge for rush-jobs or weekend work. These figures below should be considered a guideline only.
€25 for the first page, and €6–8 for each subsequent page*.
€30 for the first page, and €7.50–9.50 for each subsequent page*.
Price negotiable based on conditions and requirements.
€0.10–€0.20 per word, based on difficulty of text.
Get in touch for a free, no obligation quote.
*A page is defined as an A4 side, Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, which corresponds to roughly 400 words (±50).